Nadia's Initiative Rehabilitates 32 Farms in Sinjar Region

Nadia’s Initiative rehabilitated 32 farming households throughout the Sinjar region – a project that began in September 2019. Farming has been a main source of income for Yazidis for generations, but when ISIS attacked the region in 2014, they intentionally burned and destroyed farms to ensure Yazidis would never return.

Through the rehabilitation of farms, Nadia’s Initiative is working to reverse the destruction created by ISIS. Through this project, we’ve been able to repair electricity connections and irrigation capacities and provide rain fed and irrigated agricultural inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers, cash for land preparation, and simple tools. In addition, tailored training to enhance efficient production was provided. We look forward to continuing to provide support to families who bravely return to their farmlands to help them rebuild their lives. 

This project was implemented by Dorcas Aid International thanks to the generous support of the Government of ROC (Taiwan).