Exhumation of Mass Graves in Hardan, Iraq

An exhumation of mass graves took place in Hardan village in Sinjar, Iraq on February 22nd, 2022. The ceremony was supported by Nadia’s Initiative.

During the genocide against the Yazidis in 2014, almost 20% of the village’s inhabitants were kidnapped. Only 229 of them have been accounted for.

However, 132 people are still unaccounted for; while 7 mass graves have been discovered in Hardan.

Exhumation ceremonies such as this one are important for communal healing. They allow communities to honor the lives of members who were killed and mourn their loved ones.

There are still dozens of mass graves waiting to be exhumed throughout Sinjar. They remain a visceral reminder of the urgent need to expedite exhumations out of respect for the deceased and survivors.